Saturday, January 22, 2011

Self Drafted Mini Skirt

I decided to be ambitious today. I stumbled across a patternless skirt project on Burdastyle that I it thought looked simple enough. The instructions were for a self drafted skirt that uses your waist and hip measurements to create the pattern. I thought the instructions were simple and self explanatory. Wrong! I knew something had to be wrong when the skirt piece wasn't exactly matching up to the width of the waistband despite my carefully following the directions for creating the darts. I thought being off by almost an inch wasn't too bad. WRONG AGAIN! I have to keep reminding myself that when you're making self drafted clothing that you have match up everything. Despite all my efforts on being thorough (e.g. zigzagging the seams, sewing slowly, following the directions, etc.) I still ended up making mistakes. My skirt looks fine from the front, but in the back the portion of the skirt gaps out. *sigh* Nothing a belt can't fix. Oh well. I guess I would get a "E" for effort, which isn't too bad for being a first time drafter and my second effort in putting a zipper. I finished the hem using a single fold bias tape, which probably wasn't a good idea for the thick corduroy fabric. I guess this is one of the many reasons why I am a novice. Let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions for fixing the back. The instructions for the skirt can be found here.

Sorry for the bad picture of the back, but take my word for it that it does gap out. Also don't ask why my hands are like that. This is the best I can post from my Iphone. I'll hopefully be able to retake some better pictures.

Pattern: Patternless Skirt Project-Burdastyle
Fabric-Green Corduroy-Fabric Mart